Thursday, October 13, 2022

Simchat Torah Stories


Since I don’t speak on Simchat Torah I never have the chance to share with you Simchat Torah stories that I come across. This year I’d like to share a few of my favorites. The first two have the same theme:


Story One: A stranger once joined the Satmar Shul on Simchat Torah for the celebration. The person danced with such devotion and fervor that the people around him were sure he was a great Tzadik. The Satmar Rebbe, zt”l, however, was unimpressed. “Did you notice that he stepped on other people’s toes while he was dancing? A truly righteous person would be careful not to hurt others with his own religious devotion!”


Story Two: The Chofetz Chaim was once asked, “What is the secret of the Hakafot?”

He answered, “When you are covered, with your tallis over your head, and completely one with the Torah that you are  dancing with so dearly, make sure you are extremely careful not to step on your friends foot, because if you aren’t looking then you will never know to whom you have to say sorry! And that is the secret of the Hakafot.”


Both the Chofetz Chaim and the Satmar Rebbe agree: Our personal spirituality can never come at the expense of disregarding our fellow Jew.


Story Three: The Chiddushei HaRim was watching two different students dancing on Simchat Torah and predicted one student to tire before the other, and it happened just as he predicted. When asked how he could know that, he explained that one bachur was dancing for the Torah he learned this past year and the second was dancing for the future Torah learning he would be doing after being inspired from Simchat Torah. By definition, there is a limit to the past Torah one has learnt, even if it is a large amount, but there is no limit to what one can learn in the future.


The best way to take the energy and inspiration of Simchat Torah in particular, and Tishrei in general, with us into the New Year is by committing to make Torah study a regular part of our lives. Along with exercise, time with family and friends and volunteering on behalf of charitable causes, Torah study nourishes our soul and helps us maintain healthy and meaningful lives. Stay tuned for new Torah study opportunities offered through the shul and with the YIH Rabbis and Educators and take advantage of those opportunities.

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